




CEO / 执行董事

陈牧宇在私募股权,公司财务,基金管理,结构性贸易融资以及中小企业融资领域拥有将近20年的专业经验。在加入鹏特资本之前,陈牧宇在中国负责一个鞋业行业垂直B2B供应链平台,并通过平台运营一个面向中小企业的供应链金融项目。在去中国之前,陈牧宇在新加坡EFA集团担任首席财务官。 EFA集团是新加坡持牌基金管理人,专注于结构性贸易融资和私募债权方面的投资。在加入EFA集团之前,他为新加坡的私募股权基金发掘并管理在新加坡,中国和泰国的私募股权投资项目。陈牧宇的职业生涯始于KPMG会计师事务所在北京的办公室。



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The risk of loss in trading financial instruments can be substantial. Investors should be aware that any investment involves a high degree of risk, including the loss of the entire amount invested. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and the value of an investment may fall as well as rise. The high degrees of leverage that are often employed in trading financial instruments can quickly lead to large losses as well as large gains. Investors should therefore carefully consider whether such an investment is suitable in light of their financial condition.